Tapak Suci Martial Arts Understanding

Tapak Suci martial arts has its own characteristics when compared to other martial arts stream, Tapak Suci is the flow of pure traditional martial arts, because it brought together a variety of martial arts, and revealing these sciences.

Tapak Suci martial arts including rational flow, which utilizes intellect, by the functioning of the devices and their physical usefulness in the body, so it can function properly with the linking of one organ to another, as well as the contents of each filling, when needed.

Due to the limited intellect, then with the permission of god reason to be filled with useful knowledge for the human defense and martial arts.
In the martial world there are two kinds of "Power (Energy)" is used to defend themselves from the threat of other creatures, namely outer energy and inner energy.

  1. Outer Energy
    Understanding external power according to society in general is a movement performed by the movement of the body, but the meaning of martial arts is governed by reasonable force.

  2. Inner Energy
    According to the understanding of society in general, in power is integrated between physical strength with consciousness associated with concentration.
    Tapak Suci in the labor force is a combination of physical strength with consciousness (concentration) organized, know the benefits when using it, conscious mind and senses, and trained regularly and continuously.

Science as outlined in Tapak Suci based on speed and accuracy, so that is not taught in college Tapak Suci spell, conditioning, special fasting and so on, but all science is taught is the science that is based on the ratio.
As for the level of ability of students and members of Tapak Suci based on each individual perseverance.
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