Mental-Spiritual Aspects in Pencak Silat

Generally Pencak Silat teaches the introduction of personal self as a human or living creature that believe in a higher power is God.
Typically, Pencak Silat as mystical teachings given to students who has been studying further in Pencak silat. The goal is to improve the manners or magnanimity students. So in the end Pencak Silat has the objective to achieve harmony, balance and harmony of nature around, in order to fill the National Development Indonesia in realizing the complete Indonesian man.

Undeniably, mental and spiritual aspects of development implemented in other aspects of Pencak Silat. This aspect of the soul of the other aspects.
In IPSI emblem, mental and spiritual aspects of coaching is symbolized by the handle on the trident. By holding the handle, then we can play a trident function properly and directed.
This points to the importance of the mental aspect of spiritual guidance in every step of a fighter.
This is in accordance with the third item on the 10 pearls of former president Soeharto on August 1, 1994 reads: Coaching Pencak Silat in all its aspects in order to stay focused, devoted, noble character and devotion to parents, community and nation.

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