History of Pencak Silat

Since when martial arts in Indonesia? It is very difficult to answer this question, no one can answer with certainty when its origin. But as a self-defense activity, the forerunner of Pencak silat martial arts can be considered as old humans.
Did not the early humans have been accustomed to hard against his nature, wild animals and other human groups in maintaining their viability. Whatever his name every form of hand gestures, legs and other body parts, in whatever form the primitive style is a martial art (though sometimes to strike first).

Referring to the above hypothesis, it is logical to say "Silat / Pencak silat" (naming now) was very old and born with the formation of the composition Indonesia's oldest people (referring to the tribes who lived throughout the archipelago).
Tribes is then spread throughout the archipelago so that its influence can be seen today in Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, Thailand, and surrounding areas.

In the year 130 BC has established the first kingdom in Java called Salakanagara. A simple kingdom whatever its form, must have security tools to protect his kingdom, here there must be a martial skill possessed by the soldiers and their commander, even told his royal predecessors salakanagara are people who are expert martial.

In further developments in line with the progress of civilization nations living in the archipelago, this martial art also boomed, acculturation and influence each other, especially after interacting with other nations such as china and india and acculturation occurred including the martial arts.
It is estimated that since the 7th century martial arts have spread in the archipelago, with the spread through oral tradition from mouth to mouth, from teacher to pupil. This oral tradition is one of the least causes no valid historical documentation about the martial arts.
Although the origin of martial arts is still difficult to ascertain, but it was agreed that martial arts is a culture born of ancestors and the forerunner of the Indonesian nation. For example, the Malay nation especially in the Malacca peninsula believe the legend "Hang Tuah" is a great martial arts warrior in the 14th century.

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